Ruby Creek

Ruby Creek Mei 2021

Dear Clients I am very pleased and proud to make this long awaited report that we have begun commercial goldproduction. It has been a long and difficult journey, both on the ground and corporately and with these finalstages occurring during a global pandemic but finally, this major step has been accomplished. Our CIP Processing plant

Ruby Creek Mei 2021 Read More »

Ruby Creek Dec 2020

Dear Clients I am very pleased to report that today, our long awaited CIP processing plant started.Commissioning of the various components within the new plant have finally begun. Our Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) is now complete, and our CIP processing plant support buildingsare completed with installation of components like laboratory equipment nearing completion as well.

Ruby Creek Dec 2020 Read More »

Ruby Creek Okt 2020

Dear ClientsWe continue to hope you are all safe during these global troubling.Following on our last update, I report that our work progresses but unfortunately not at the speed wehad hoped. We had encountered a delay in completing the construction and connection to the nationalpower grid. Our TSF is almost completed and our CIP processing

Ruby Creek Okt 2020 Read More »

Ruby Creek Aug 2020

Dear ClientsWe hope you are all safe during these troubling times with this virus still very much upon us.Finally, your long awaited update and I am proud to report to you on the present status on our Gold Hill Mine development. And our next big milestone of trial production is finally approaching, we are so

Ruby Creek Aug 2020 Read More »

Ruby Creek Aug 2020

Het heeft even geduurd, maar 300 ton erts per dag was het doel om door de CIP plant te laten verwerken en dat lijkt nu waarheid te worden. De grote pomp die door de Covid19 lockdown in Zuid Afrika was blijvenstaan is nu in Tanzania aangekomen. Dit betekent dat de begin productiecapaciteit van 300 ton

Ruby Creek Aug 2020 Read More »

Ruby Creek Juni 2020

Via Marc van Daalen (Goudkorting) hebben wij de volgende informatie mogen ontvangen op persoonlijke titel. Wij kiezen er voor deze informatie beschikbaar te maken voor u, daar wij zelf niet instaat worden gesteld om met de heer Slavik te communiceren. Ik (Marc van Daalen,) heb gisteren een lange tijd met Rob Slavik van Ruby Creek Resources

Ruby Creek Juni 2020 Read More »

Ruby Creek Juni 2020

Dear ClientsWe hope you are all safe during these troubling pandemic times. I have to apologize for my late update. Every time that I expected to make a report, an important milestone would pass. Then another report should be made and now with our next big milestone approaching of trial production, we are almost ready.

Ruby Creek Juni 2020 Read More »

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