
TransEco Minerals & Mining

Gericht op duurzaamheid

TransEco Minerals and Mining is een goudmijnbedrijf dat actief is in Ghana, West-Afrika. Onze operatie strekt zich uit over Ghana en verbindt onze kantoren in het VK. Gewapend met een ruime ervaring in mijnbouw en lokale kennis, begonnen we onze reis als een kleinschalige mijnoperatie in 2008. Na vele successen in de kleinschalige arena, kregen we in 2018 de licentie om een grootschalige mijnwerker te worden, wat ons in staat stelde snel te groeien tot de organisatie die we vandaag zijn.

De beloften van TransEco

TransEco zal altijd streven naar respect voor zowel het milieu als de gemeenschappen waarbinnen het werkt. Onze houding is om altijd waarde toe te voegen en lokale gemeenschappen te helpen door werkgelegenheid te bieden en, waar mogelijk, structurele voordelen.

Voor meer informatie en updates


Godwin Nickleson Amarh


Amjad Niazi

TransEco Minerals and Mining Awards

List of awardees for 2023 - page 1
List of awardees for 2023 - page 2

Update's vanuit Transeco Minerals and Mining

Transeco Dec 2020

Good Day Clients! After a long year battling COVID-19 restrictions and recently overcoming the challenges the rainy season brings, I am happy to report that we have managed to restart production. As previously reported, our processing plant required repairs and modification, along with further optimization which are crucial to reach its maximum output. I am

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Transeco Okt 2020

Good Day Clients! After a long eight months, the Ghanaian borders have opened, and I am thrilled to be finally writing to you from Ghana. I can confirm the team continue to operate on minimum staffing levels due to Government COVID-19 restrictions. The pandemic further affects land and sea borders with the ports in Ghana

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Transeco Juni 2020

Dear Clients In these extraordinary times, Transeco Minerals and Mining is committed to the health and well-being of our families, employees, clients, and partners who make up Transeco’s global community. It is our top priority to maintain the business continuity needed to provide regular updates and strive towards our targets.  As the world navigates towards

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Transeco 6 April 2020

April 2020 Dear Clients In these extraordinary times, Transeco Minerals and Mining is committed to the health and well-being of our families, employees, clients and partners who make up Transeco’s global community. It is our top priority to maintain the business continuity needed to provide regular updates and strive towards our targets. As the world

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Transeco 5 December 2019

Dear Clients On Friday the 30th November, our case was heard in the Dutch Court, amongst others. The Justice refused to allow Transeco CEO Mr Niazi safe passage to attend court, where he so desperately wanted to verbally deliver his statement. Due to the circumstances, he wrote a one-page statement to be read out in

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