Dear Clients
I am very pleased and proud to make this long awaited report that we have begun commercial gold
production. It has been a long and difficult journey, both on the ground and corporately and with these final
stages occurring during a global pandemic but finally, this major step has been accomplished.
Our CIP Processing plant is looking very good and working every day. Our gold ore storage areas
are complete, our milling facility is complete with 1,200 ton per day ball mill capacity, our mixing tanks and
pumps with 300 ton per day capacity are completed and our large tailings storage facility with initial 1,000 ton
per day capacity is complete. We have completed our plant support buildings including laboratory as well as
secured elution, refinery and gold rooms with full and improved security. Our own power generating station
is complete and providing power 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while the final stages on our power line and
connections to the National Energy Grid are being installed. And our new medical clinic for the community
will be moving to completion now. Our crushers with 1,500 ton per day capacity will be installed as we
prepare to add more ore to our current stockpile.
Our next phase is expansion of our processing capacity and planning and preparations for open pit
mining which are now ongoing. Our mining access road to the top of Gold Hill makes a safe all weather ore
hauling road to bring our valuable gold ore from the top of the mountain to our processing plant.
Revenues from gold sales are being used initially to retire the accumulated financial obligations that
were critical to get us over the finish line, such as; the last equipment purchases, final construction capital,
partnerships, legal as well as government and community obligations. Then we can begin to fulfill our
Forward Gold Sale obligations, which is expected to start within 4 to 6 months.
As we prepare a plan of payment, I request that you send an email with the following information to
make sure our files are current;
- Name
- Contract number
- Current Phone Number
- If a change of address has occurred, please advise.
I so look forward to being back at our mine.
Wishing you all the best in good health to you and hoping you are all safe during these global
troubling times.
For further information please contact me directly at:
via email at; Or mail at; see above
Rob Slavik, CEO
Ruby Creek Resources
A Personal Note
The time it has taken to get our mine into production, has taken its personal toll on me and Covid has
added havoc to my travel and my personal plans by blocking my direct involvement in Tz mining.
Fortunately, our Tanzanian partners continue to do good work and advance our mine through the many
hurdles. In the meantime I decided to take independent work as a manager at a struggling alluvial mine in
Canada to generate personal income during this Covid period. I have always chosen to take the position
that my personal gain can only come after all financial obligations are met.